The Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana with an objective to capacitate and stabilise the microfinance system with proper regulation and inclusive public participation. It will nurture micro and small-scale business units, sole proprietorships, which perform trading, manufacturing, retail and other small-scale activities.
The ultimate beneficiary will be the small borrowers who are looking for financial assistance to explore their skill.
With this PM MUDRA Yojana Bank the borrowers are segmented into three segments viz the starters, the mid-stage finance seekers and the next level growth seekers and accordingly three loan packages were initiated:
Shishu: loans upto Rs 50,000/-
Kishor: loans above Rs 50,000/- and upto Rs 5 lakh
Tarun: loans above Rs 5 lakh and upto Rs 10 lakh
Nodal Officer for Imphal:
Smt. Anamika R
E-mail: anamika[at]sidbi[dot]in
Phone: 0385-2446614
PM MUDRA Yojana focus on the following sectors:
1.Sector / Activity Focussed Schemes
1.1 Land Transport Sector / Activity
1.2 Community, Social & Personal Service Activities
1.3 Food Products Sector
1.4 Textile Products Sector / Activity
2.Micro Credit Scheme
3.Missing Middle Credit Scheme
4.Refinance Scheme for RRBs / Co-operative Banks
5.Mahila Uddyami Scheme
6.Business loans for Traders and Shopkeepers
7.Equipment Finance Scheme for Micro Units