Launching of “Pradhan Mantri Sneh Bandhan Yojana” to promote Social Security Schemes.
After successful implementation of PMJDY, Govt. of India rolled out 3 Jan Suraksha Schemes, viz. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) and Atal Pension Yojana (APY) from 1st June’2015.
Keeping in view the success of the above social security schemes, and in order to ensure continuation of the insurance cover for a long period, Govt. of India has decided to launch “Sneh Bandhan” scheme w.e.f. 1st August, 2015. The scheme envisages top up facility for ensuring adequate balance in the S.B. accounts to facilitate ‘Auto Debit’ mandate under PMSBY and PMJJBY for several years.
Salient features of Sneh Bandhan Scheme are as follows :
The contribution under the scheme may be made in 3 different ways :
1.Suraksha Deposit Gift – Gift for Rs. 201/- :
Suraksha Deposit Gift for a fixed amount of Rs.201/- on the basis of a facility for deposit by cash/ regular cheque etc. into the account of the recipient / beneficiary himself/ herself or by a person gifting to him/ her by way of regular cheque etc. There is no requirement of issuance of any special instrument like gift cheque/ Pay order for Suraksha Deposit Gift scheme.
2. Jeevan Suraksha Gift Cheque – Gift for Rs. 351/- (Fixed) :
This initiative envisages inter-bank operable gift instruments in the nature of Banker’s cheque, i.e., Pay Order for one time subscription to PMJJBY and PMSBY to enable persons willing to purchase these for the purpose of offering the same to the beneficiary who may be daughters & sons, Financial Inclusion customers, brothers & sisters, maid servants, drivers, launderers etc. as a gift. While receiving Rs.351/- for the above purpose, the value of the instrument will be Rs.342/- and the balance of Rs.9/- shall be retained by the Branch as Service charge. The instrument for Rs.342/- will cover 1 year subscription of Rs.330/- for PMJJBY and Rs.12/- for PMSBY.
3. Suraksha Deposit Yojana – Gift for Rs. 5001/- :
This scheme will provide the freedom to the subscribers for arranging funds in their bank accounts every year to keep PMJJBY/PMSBY alive on the basis of a facility for deposit by cash/ regular cheque etc. into the account of the recipient / beneficiary himself/ herself or by a person gifting to him/ her by way of regular cheque etc. There is no requirement of issuance of any special instrument like gift cheque/ Pay order for Suraksha Deposit Yojana.
You can download application Form that should be used for creating Fixed Deposits under “Suraksha Deposit Scheme” and “Jeevan Suraksha Deposit Scheme” in lieu of “Consent cum Declaration Form”.