1. Basic Saving
2. Saving Bank A/c
3. Current Deposit
4. Recurring Deposit
5. Short Term Deposit with Auto Renewal facility.
6. Re-Investment Plan (RIP)
7. Monthly Income Plan (MIP)
Loans & Advances:
1. KCC
2. Overdraft to Farmers
3. Solar Home Lighting
4. WCC
5. Loan under Urban Self Employment Program
6. Loan under Venture Capital Fund of NABARD/Diary/Piggery/Fishery etc
7. Farm Mechanisation
8. Cottage, Tiny and Small Industries
9. Business Loan
10. Loan to Transport Operators
11. Housing Loan
12. Professional and Self Employed
13. Personal Loan & Car Loan
14. Consumer Durable Loan
15. Loan against IVP,KVP,LICI policy etc
Payment System:
2. ATM cum RuPay Debit Card
5. Kisan Credit Card
6. Regional Electronic Clearing System (RECS)
7. National Automated Clearing House (NACH)